Environmentally Certified
Environmentally Certified
Are you thinking about either replacing the existing floors in your home or installing hardwood floors in a new home?
If so, are you struggling with “It has to be beautiful, but we also want to conserve nature.”
Unlike people of a few years ago, who had fewer options when it comes to going green, today’s environmentally conscious people don’t have to sacrifice the durability, look and feel of having a wood floor. Consider using certified wood products that are verified by a third party as originating from a well-managed forest. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards are currently recognized for being an established certification system that ensures products originated from certified forests. Meyer Skidmore sells both certified and non certified wood products. We have those that are FSC certified and those that are certified by less stringent environmental standards. Be sure to express your interest in FSC-certified products when speaking with a Meyers Skidmore professional.
Sustainable wood floors come in many popular species such as white and red oak, cherry, maple, hickory, red birch. Even special exotics like rosewood, teak and cumaru are available. Sustainable products don’t have to cost a fortune either.
Are you wondering what it takes to get the FSC’s stamp of approval?
A forest operation must meet 57 different criteria points. This criteria includes protection of local wildlife, minimal use of chemical pesticides and even guarantees that the loggers are able to unionize. When a forest meets these criteria points, its wood products are then branded with a FSC logo and a “chain of custody” number. This logo and number allows the certification to be traced back to the source.