Cleaning & Maintenance
Cleaning & Maintenance
Vacuum: Without delay, use a vacuum cleaner to remove all abrasive substances (sand, heavy dust, dirt, etc.) that can scratch the finish. Frequent vacuuming is recommended in order to prevent abrasive dust form accumulating on the surface and between the boards. A vacuum without a spinning beater bar or one that can be turned off is recommended.
Humidity: Maintain relative humidity between 35% and 50% and temperature of approximately 20°C (68°F) in the room where the flooring is installed. This will help preserve the internal humidity of the wood.
Cleaning: The flooring surface should be cleaned once a month, at minimum using specially recommended flooring cleaning products. It is important to use only a small amount of cleanser on a cloth or mop and wipe the surface. We recommend Advantage Coatings Technologies “Ultimate Hardwood Floor Cleaner”.
Wax, Detergents, and Oil: The use of wax, household detergents, or oil-based soap on the floor may discolor and damage the finish and leave a grease film. The floor then may be slippery and difficult to maintain. Also, mixtures of water and vinegar are not to be used on wood floors, since vinegar has an oxidizing effects on urethane over time.
Water: Never use large amounts of water to clean wood floors. A saturated mop is a floors worst enemy. Wipe up spilled water, liquids or detergents right away before they are absorbed by the wood. The combination of water and sand can ruin a wood floor. It is recommended the placement of mats at each door way and in front of the sink, dishwasher, and work areas in the kitchen.
Felt Pads: The legs of furniture and chairs should have felt pads glued or nailed to them in order to avoid scratching the flooring when objects are moved. Occasional look at the pads for wear and replace when needed. It is important to avoid rolling chairs with casters on finished surfaces as they can scratch the flooring. Put rolling chairs on rugs or plexiglass desk mats.
Moving Furniture: Dragging furniture or heavy objects across the finished surface will scratch the wood floor. Be sure to lift any furniture when it is to be moved.
Pets and Nails: Trim your pets’ nails routinely to prevent scratches and premature wear.
High-heeled Shoes: Wearing high-heeled shoes can easily mar flooring. Avoid walking on flooring in footwear with heals, cleats or metal tipped soles.
Light: Sun light or bright light can change the color of wood. Protect your floors from prolonged or repeated exposure.